Thursday, September 9, 2010

Are You Tired Of Me Yet? The Buyer Who Is Concerned About Me!

I work with buyers and sellers alike. Whomever is referred to me, that's who I take care of. And, either way, I throw everything I've got into it. Just who I am.

A lot of people have experience with Realtors. Someone has generally bought a house in their past. And, even if they haven't, they have an idea how the searching for homes process goes.

Look and look and look til you find one you like, make an offer, get accepted, and close escrow.

Not so currently. Now, look, and look, and look, and look, and wait a minute, look some more....and oh, my we're still looking....and look, and, keep looking. Until you find the one you like, make an offer, get accepted, and close escrow!

So, in the car we go, and I show and show and show some more. I will show until the right house is found. I think my highest number of homes was seventy-four. Crazy, huh? And, that was a few years ago.  I don't care how long it takes, ask my past clients, as long as we find the right home.

But, every once in a while I get a client that feels almost guilty about how many homes they have looked at. 'Are you tired of me yet?' was the most recent. Are you kidding me? Really, it's my job. And, I want you happy now and in the future.  If I put you into something because I'm tired of're not going to think too fondly of me in the future when someone needs a Realtor now are you? And, I'd feel pretty crappy about myself as a good human being. Not going to happen.

I will guide you, the best I can, if I think you are missing out on something. My Realtor had me come back to a house I thought was disgusting the first time I saw it, but she knew what I really wanted and I loved that house after I moved in back in 1992.

If I think you are making a mistake, I will gently tell you. If I think we can't find what you are looking for in that price-range, I will tell you.  But, if I know that house is somewhere on the next horizon....we are gonna find it!

I never get tired of finding the right house for you to call home, never. Tis what I do, and what I always will do.

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