Friday, May 29, 2020

Just When We Think We've Got The Right Forms, Posts, & COVID 19 Programs.....

......another new group of forms, posts, and programs come along!

Honestly, one of the reasons I don't go further along with getting a Brokers License. (I've taken all the courses, just not the exam.) I like having Realty Executives managers pouring through everything as it comes down the pipe from California Association of Realtors, Cal Osha, Southland Association of Realtors....etc.

And, I present....our latest door sign for all listings.....

Realty Execs created one of our own immediately upon the Cal OSHA guidelines that came out. Then another one, and now this official one with the help of California Association of Realtors.

There is an updated, I believe it's the 4th rendition, PEAD form. The one that declares you haven't been near an infected person, don't believe you are infected, aren't having COVID 19 symptoms and will adhere to all CDC guidelines while selling or buying a home. Yep, pretty sure it's the 4th. And, needless to say, the form keeps getting longer & longer.

And, needless to say's been a challenge for everyone to use the forms correctly. Heck, we all just get used to them and then there is a change!

But, whatever it takes to keep my peeps safe, we gotta do it! 

Gotta run, I have a 2pm Zoom Re/Execs class about this latest group of forms!

Questions about Real Estate in Santa Clarita Valley & Beyond? Just holler!
 ~ Lauren Witz Greber (661) 313-5470 ~

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lauren ~ Your Real Estate Sherpa!!

Buying or Selling a Home? You Need an Expert Kind of Guide! You Need Your Sherpa Lauren!

Buying or Selling a Home? You Need an Expert Kind of Guide | MyKCM

In a normal housing market, whether you’re buying or selling a home, you need an experienced guide to help you navigate through the process. You need someone you can turn to who will tell you how to price your home correctly right from the start. You need someone who can help you determine what to offer on your dream home without paying too much or offending the seller with a low-ball offer.
We are, however, in anything but a normal market right now. We are amid one of the greatest health crises our nation has ever seen. The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the journey consumers take to purchase or sell a home. To successfully navigate the landscape today, you need more than an experienced guide. You need a ‘Real Estate Sherpa.’
According to Lexico, a Sherpa is a “member of a Himalayan people living on the borders of Nepal and Tibet, renowned for their skill in mountaineering.” Sherpas are skilled in leading their parties through the extreme altitudes of the peaks and passes in the region - some of the most treacherous trails in the world. They take pride in their hardiness, expertise, and experience at very high altitudes.
They are much more than just guides.
This is much more than a normal real estate market.
Today, the average guide just won’t do. You need a Sherpa. You need an expert who understands how COVID-19 is impacting the thoughts and actions of the consumer (ex: virtual showings, proper safety protocols, e-signing documents). You need someone who can simply and effectively explain the changes in today’s process to you and your family. You need an expert who will guarantee you make the right decision, especially in these challenging times.

Bottom Line

Hiring an agent who understands how the pandemic is reshaping the real estate processes is crucial right now. Let’s connect today to guarantee your journey is a safe and successful one.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Weekend Warriors & Santa Clarita Housing Activity

Here's to keeping you informed...yet again! Monday? YouTube. Tuesday? Blog. Friday? Yep, Blog again. Plus every day I work on keeping you in the loop about all things Real Estate.

Hopefully you are gaining some knowledge to help you make the right decision when it comes time to Selling or Buying a home.

My sweet neighborhood, the Santa Clarita Valley, as of this morning has 454 homes for sale. Yes, that's about 25% more than just a few months ago. Reminder, when I calculate these numbers for you it includes Acton, Agua Dulce, Canyon Country, Saugus, Valencia, Newhall, Stevenson Ranch, & Castaic.

Yellow is my favorite color! 
But, no, that's not why I selected this 1970 Corvette to depict the 454 active listings number. 
Any car buffs will know, apparently the engine is called a 454, so there!

Now, onward with your stats. In escrow, a practically matching number.....455. Sounds great, right? I am seeing less Back on Markets, or cancelled escrows. That's a good thing, still more than we used to have, but they are coming back down from just a couple weeks ago. So, this means there are a lot of buyers out there wanting to buy homes!

Closed in the last 30 days is only at 188, but let's remember, 30 days ago we were right in the middle of Real Estate being Essential or non-Essential. So, that would make sense as to why we only closed 188, possibly.

But, another thing of note is this:

Yep, that's a camera shot of my computer screen early this morning with all those price reductions in preparation of Weekend Warrior house hunters! As inventory climbs, pricing your home correctly right from the get-go helps to eliminate this need. 

Questions about home values? Questions about interest rates? Thoughts on anything Real Estate related you want to hash through? I'm around for you ~ 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Do You Think The Housing Market Will Help The Economy?

Spoiler alert - I didn't write this article....but, I thought it was good enough to share and see what you think...


Housing Market Positioned to Bring Back the Economy

Housing Market Positioned to Bring Back the Economy | MyKCM

All eyes are on the American economy. As it goes, so does the world economy. With states beginning to reopen, the question becomes: which sectors of the economy will drive its recovery? There seems to be a growing consensus that the housing market is positioned to be that driving force, the tailwind that is necessary.
Some may question that assertion as they look back on the last recession in 2008 when housing was the anchor to the economy – holding it back from sailing forward. But even then, the overall economy did not begin to recover until the real estate market started to regain its strength. This time, the housing market was in great shape when the virus hit.
As Mark Fleming, Chief Economist of First Americanrecently explained:
“Many still bear scars from the Great Recession and may expect the housing market to follow a similar trajectory in response to the coronavirus outbreak. But, there are distinct differences that indicate the housing market may follow a much different path. While housing led the recession in 2008-2009, this time it may be poised to bring us out of it.”
Fleming is not the only economist who believes this. Last week, Dr. Frank Nothaft, Chief Economist for CoreLogic, (@DrFrankNothaft) tweeted:
“For the first 6 decades after WWII, the housing sector led the rest of the economy out of each recession. Expect it to do so this time as well.”
And, Robert Dietz, Chief Economist for the National Association of Home Builders, in an economic update last week explained:
“As the economy begins a recovery later in 2020, we expect housing to play a leading role. Housing enters this recession underbuilt, not overbuilt…Based on demographics and current vacancy rates, the U.S. may have a housing deficit of up to one million units.”

Bottom Line

Every time a home is sold it has a tremendous financial impact on local economies. As the real estate market continues its recovery, it will act as a strong tailwind to the overall national economy.

Friday, May 15, 2020

And, My Sweet Santa Clarita Valley Is Definitely The 'Burbs'!!

A Surprising Shift to the ‘Burbs' May Be on the Rise!

A Surprising Shift to the ‘Burbs May Be on the Rise | MyKCM

While many people across the U.S. have traditionally enjoyed the perks of an urban lifestyle, some who live in more populated city limits today are beginning to rethink their current neighborhoods. Being in close proximity to everything from the grocery store to local entertainment is definitely a perk, especially if you can also walk to some of these hot spots and have a short commute to work. The trade-off, however, is that highly populated cities can lack access to open space, a yard, and other desirable features. These are the kinds of things you may miss when spending a lot of time at home. When it comes to social distancing, as we’ve experienced recently, the newest trend seems to be around re-evaluating a once-desired city lifestyle and trading it for suburban or rural living.
George Ratiu, Senior Economist at notes:
“With the re-opening of the economy scheduled to be cautious, the impact on consumer preferences will likely shift buying behavior…consumers are already looking for larger homes, bigger yards, access to the outdoors and more separation from neighbors. As we move into the recovery stage, these preferences will play an important role in the type of homes consumers will want to buy. They will also play a role in the coming discussions on zoning and urban planning. While higher density has been a hallmark of urban development over the past decade, the pandemic may lead to a re-thinking of space allocation.”
The Harris Poll recently surveyed 2,000 Americans, and 39% of the respondents who live in urban areas indicated the COVID-19 crisis has caused them to consider moving to a less populated area.A Surprising Shift to the ‘Burbs May Be on the Rise | MyKCMToday, moving outside the city limits is also more feasible than ever, especially as Americans have quickly become more accustomed to – and more accepting of – remote work. According to the Pew Research Center, access to the Internet has increased significantly in rural and suburban areas, making working from home more accessible. The number of people working from home has also spiked considerably, even before the pandemic came into play this year.

Bottom Line

If you have a home in the suburbs or a rural area, you may see an increasing number of buyers looking for a property like yours. If you’re thinking of buying and don’t mind a commute to work for the well-being of your family, you may want to consider looking at homes for sale outside the city. Let’s connect today to discuss the options available in our area.
~ What do you think? ~ ~

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wondering About COVID 19 Forms if You Sell/Buy A Home?

Here's just's been revamped 3 times already. This last version is truly the best.

My office did a Zoom meeting about how to use it. Everyone is somewhat confused it seems. Lordy, and now I've got a relocation listing which makes it even more challenging!

Take a look at what the California Association of Realtors is having our Buyers & Sellers sign before someone can enter a home:

This is an actual form. My photographer is meeting me at one of my upcoming listings today and, yep, he had to sign did I. Then I have to get my Seller/Occupants acknowledge that they received this one from us as well. And, the Seller/Occupants had to sign one themselves.

I've seen many forms come and go since I began my Real Estate career almost 2 decades ago. I'm looking forward to the day it is deemed that we don't need this. I think it will be a while.

But, it's meant to help assure everyone involved that we will protect each other from harm. From Corona Virus. That we won't come in if we think we may have been exposed. That we will wear gloves & masks. Not touch anything. That the occupant will alert us if they have been exposed. And, if, God forbid, someone that has been in a home for sale is diagnosed as positive...they are agreeing to inform the listing agent so that he/she may inform anyone else that entered the home.

And, yes, of's got a Hold Harmless in there as well. If we are willing to go in, or let people come in, during this's all on ourselves, right??

Friday, May 8, 2020

Can You Use The Value An AVM Provides To List Your Home?

You can do whatever you want when you list your home for sale! It's your home!

But, on that, this post is really a reminder why the AVM (Automated Valuation Model) is just one piece of the puzzle when determining the price you should list your home for.

Are you located up against a busy street? Zillow's pricing robot doesn't know that. Do you have an amazing view? Trulia's robot doesn't know that either. Did your neighbor that sold two weeks ago have an incredible pool with built-in BBQ in the backyard? Redfin's robot certainly doesn't know that. But, hey, those AVM's on those top "buyer looking for a home" sites, are waaaaaay better than they used to be!

So, you reach out to your trusted Realtor (ME) and we show you all the sales data that relates to your home. Like amenities, room count, views, upgrades, lot size, location in community, RV/garage space, and much, much more! Do you happen to be near a school? Near or 2 steps away? Makes a difference. Proximity to shopping? Walking distance....or backed up against the local Vons parking lot? Oh lordy, makes a difference. Is that cul-de-sac dead end supposed to be expanded in the future? AVM's don't know all this. But your local Realtor should.

And, your trusted, local, Realtor will then make a suggestion on a list price for your home. A suggestion. That's part of our job. Then, you decide what you want to list it for. And, we go to work trying to get you the best possible sale price for your home. Now, if you want to list it 50k over where your Realtor suggests your 325k condo should be? Honestly, I won't even take that listing. Sellers have to be reasonable. And, if they list a smidgen too high, be prepared to reduce your price. And, trust me when I tell you this....It's so much harder to 'give-up' money on a list price than it is to price it right and get offers over list price. Like a sweet little present you weren't expecting vs. losing what you didn't even have.

I'm happy to answer any questions, bounce ideas around, chat Real Estate and puppies! JK, Real Estate all the way. Well, puppies, and water color painting....yeah, I like talking about those things too!

~ Lauren Witz Greber ~ Wiz Real Estate ~
~ ~ (661) 313-5470 ~

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pandemic Or Not - Outdoor Enjoyment Is Coming!

So tired of this pandemic, but I've certainly been enjoying the sunshine in my backyard lately! I actually made some notes on paper about creating my own sail shades...well, hopefully, finally, maybe if I get around to it! I've wanted them for years. Actually the retractable shade variety. So I can pull them out as needed when I'm sitting out there and pull them back in so my plants still get their vitamin D!

But, good ole Houzz posted a terrific 'check' list of what you may need for your outdoor oasis....oh, dang, yes, I'd still like to get my outdoor lights hung as well! I bought those about 3 years ago and they are still sitting in their box. Bad me.

But, lookie here, all these great ideas:

And, they all look super cozy, right?

Yours doesn't have to be as glamorous of course. If you have a teeny-weeny yard, you can still add many elements. One I kept forgetting, was throw blankets for the chillier evenings when it's still so pretty out! Unless you have some type of fire pit or even a heat source under your patio cover. So many different ideas, so many that we already know.

So there, forget about Corona Virus for a lil bit, start planning your outdoor essentials and get ready to enjoy them this Summer! Oh, here's the Houzz article for your reading pleasure as well: Houzz 10 Outdoor Living Essentials To Get Ready For Summer

Feel free to send me pictures of what you've got going on in your backyard to'd love to see your design ideas!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Corona Virus & Things I've Been Doing For Years That Are Now So Important

I just sat through another webinar. All about tours during the pandemic.  The Online Open House. The Lazy Listing Tour (yup, they really called it that!). The Walk-Through Video. The Video Chat. And, of course, how to get my word out to my peeps so they are ready when we get released from our #SaferAtHome orders, or prep their home for sale today.

But, what amazed me is that....well, not really amazed......I've been doing this type of thing for years!

I can think of several clients immediately, that I walked through a home and shot video in different areas of the home as if the client was with me. All with my cell phone. I then uploaded them to my YouTube channel and shared them with the client so they could view in larger format on their desktop or smart TV if they wished to do so.

I wish we had snapchat back then,
 as for sure I would have done something like this to break it up!!

At any rate, I'm just letting you know we have great technology to get your home sold with the least amount of people coming in. I would definitely recommend professional photography, but Sellers as well can do these short snipets of their home and I can share with potential buyers online for them.

The Corona Virus is going to be around for a while. We'll likely be wearing masks and using social distancing for many more months....if you listen to my'll be years.

But, the housing market is moving along even during this crisis. Inventory is climbing a bit, but we are still low and would be still considered a Sellers market.

If you have questions about marketing your home pre-COVID 19 vs. current Pandemic....just holler, happy to let you know everything I do to limit showings and still get you a good qualified buyer for your home.

~ Lauren Witz Greber ~ Witz Real Estate ~ 
~ ~ (661) 313-5470 ~