Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reconsider Earthquake Insurance

I had earthquake insurance for the '94 Northridge quake. I didn't use it, my deductible at the time was about 35k and I had less than 10k in damage. FEMA assisted us with that. Lots of paperwork, but they were very helpful.

One of the reasons I've never purchase the insurance again was the high cost to carry it and the high deductible if something were to happen.

California Earthquake Authority has just cut the price of the insurance. They are offering several options customized to your financial comfort zones. Your normal homeowners policy does not cover quake damage, and boy, are we overdue for one, right?

So, take a gander at their website again, California Earthquake Authority
Talk to your insurance broker as well of course. 
But, this may be something to look into!

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