Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What Kind of Law? Real Estate They Said

I spent some time with one of my husbands new clients this week. He had done a really big job for them and the very next day they needed some additional help. When I take a few hours of free time, I also like to spend it with him. I know, we are still Newlyweds! I had heard that it was in an attorney's office. I go in there all quiet like and chat up the receptionist just because I like to chat, right? So, I ask 'What kind of law do you practice here?' I'm told, Real Estate law. Hmmm......what do you mean?

I proceed to find out they they are the lawyers that are helping people sue their banks. You know, those same people that committed fraud on their loan documents? THOSE PEOPLE!!!

Now, I did not jump to complete conclusion, trust me. I asked a few questions further. Suing banks you say? Yes, for people that can't get loan mods, or short-sales, or that didn't read the fine print on their loan application.

Now, I'm sure that there are definitely a lot of the public that do really need some legal assistance. But, these guys? Ambulance chasers. Needless to say, they are new in the business, just opened bigger offices. And, a few years from now....where will they be? Looking for some other type of Ambulance to chase.

Ugh! Okay, nuff said!

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