Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wondering About COVID 19 Forms if You Sell/Buy A Home?

Here's just one....it's been revamped 3 times already. This last version is truly the best.

My office did a Zoom meeting about how to use it. Everyone is somewhat confused it seems. Lordy, and now I've got a relocation listing which makes it even more challenging!

Take a look at what the California Association of Realtors is having our Buyers & Sellers sign before someone can enter a home:

This is an actual form. My photographer is meeting me at one of my upcoming listings today and, yep, he had to sign one...as did I. Then I have to get my Seller/Occupants acknowledge that they received this one from us as well. And, the Seller/Occupants had to sign one themselves.

I've seen many forms come and go since I began my Real Estate career almost 2 decades ago. I'm looking forward to the day it is deemed that we don't need this. I think it will be a while.

But, it's meant to help assure everyone involved that we will protect each other from harm. From Corona Virus. That we won't come in if we think we may have been exposed. That we will wear gloves & masks. Not touch anything. That the occupant will alert us if they have been exposed. And, if, God forbid, someone that has been in a home for sale is diagnosed as positive...they are agreeing to inform the listing agent so that he/she may inform anyone else that entered the home.

And, yes, of course...it's got a Hold Harmless in there as well. If we are willing to go in, or let people come in, during this pandemic....it's all on ourselves, right??

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