Friday, May 22, 2020

Weekend Warriors & Santa Clarita Housing Activity

Here's to keeping you informed...yet again! Monday? YouTube. Tuesday? Blog. Friday? Yep, Blog again. Plus every day I work on keeping you in the loop about all things Real Estate.

Hopefully you are gaining some knowledge to help you make the right decision when it comes time to Selling or Buying a home.

My sweet neighborhood, the Santa Clarita Valley, as of this morning has 454 homes for sale. Yes, that's about 25% more than just a few months ago. Reminder, when I calculate these numbers for you it includes Acton, Agua Dulce, Canyon Country, Saugus, Valencia, Newhall, Stevenson Ranch, & Castaic.

Yellow is my favorite color! 
But, no, that's not why I selected this 1970 Corvette to depict the 454 active listings number. 
Any car buffs will know, apparently the engine is called a 454, so there!

Now, onward with your stats. In escrow, a practically matching number.....455. Sounds great, right? I am seeing less Back on Markets, or cancelled escrows. That's a good thing, still more than we used to have, but they are coming back down from just a couple weeks ago. So, this means there are a lot of buyers out there wanting to buy homes!

Closed in the last 30 days is only at 188, but let's remember, 30 days ago we were right in the middle of Real Estate being Essential or non-Essential. So, that would make sense as to why we only closed 188, possibly.

But, another thing of note is this:

Yep, that's a camera shot of my computer screen early this morning with all those price reductions in preparation of Weekend Warrior house hunters! As inventory climbs, pricing your home correctly right from the get-go helps to eliminate this need. 

Questions about home values? Questions about interest rates? Thoughts on anything Real Estate related you want to hash through? I'm around for you ~ 

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