Friday, June 7, 2019

You Say You Want The Truth?

But, do you really? I lost a listing recently because the Seller really didn't want the truth...IMHO.

I'm an honest to a fault girl. You say, 'give it to me, I can take it'? I'm going to tell you the truth. I've actually point blank asked people if they really want the truth!

Some people can take it, some can't. I'm not going to sugar coat the facts for you, just not who I am and not how I want to treat people, nor how I want to be treated....and certainly not when you tell me you want total honesty from me.

I don't ever want to be the type of Realtor that doesn't tell the truth to get a listing. It's a huge deal for people and they need honesty, again IMHO.

Our market is changing from a Sellers market to a more even market. Buyers have choices, those choices can hurt a Seller if they aren't willing to put their best foot forward. Sometimes it means they have to choke on what my marketing suggestions are.

Sometimes they don't. But, I know those will be some of the hardest clients to work with. The ones that don't value my knowledge about selling homes.

I do my best for the people that trust me, want me to be honest, and are willing to take my almost two decades of experience and use it instead of toss it.

Just Sayin' off to have a Fab Friday for sure!

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