Friday, June 21, 2019

A Love Hate Relationship!

New technology, great graphics, awesome implementation capabilities....til I find one issue.

So, I contact support, I explain it over and over and over again....she tells me how to do steps I've already told her I've done. I say, this is what's happening. She says you can do this. I say no you can't. There aren't two places. There are two spots here, but not two spots there. She says she'll let the higher ups know about my issues.....


I reach out to my company tech guru. He wasn't sure either, but give him credit, he wasn't at his desk......

So, I step away from the problem. Determined to get it some point. I want to get this program working right as it's an incredible system to help my clients!

And, it's all about me carrying the load for my clients!

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