Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Should A Seller Speak With The Buyers Appraiser?

Hell yes! Oh, scuse me, Heck Yeah!

Sellers pay attention....

Once your home is in escrow, as surely your Realtor has mentioned, the buyers lender (unless you're one of the lucky sellers that has an all cash buyer) will be sending an appraiser over to view your home and determine its value.

They will look at comparable sales, neighborhood, amenities in your home. That kind of thing. They will only be able to read what is written in the MLS about your home and visually anything that they can see while at the property.

Remember when you spruced up the house for listing photos? And, again, made the bed and cleared off the counters for every showing? Same applies here. You really must prepare your home for the appraiser as if he/she is a prospective buyer.

You should also go above and beyond and present, in written format with dates and all, the upgrades that you have completed to compliment the value of your home.

Appraisers can be nice and chatty, well sometimes too chatty. Or they can be closed lipped. But, you the seller, can totally speak with them. Don't tell them you have to get a certain price, that's not cool. But, do present your home in the best light and make certain to hand over a list that shows the appraiser your upgrades/costs/dates to assist him/her. Yes, to assist only.

You want the home to appraise at purchase price.
Hopefully it will.....with some effort on your part, it just may!

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