Friday, August 30, 2013

Interesting Stuff I'm Supposed To Be Aware Of For Future Buyers

Homes that are pet-friendly. More so than now? This particular article suggests that, and we know this from Facebook posts, peoples pets are really part of the family. Well, weren't they always?

Prepping homes to be self-sufficient. Okay, I get that. More conservation in the home. Places that have enough space for a few fruit trees and vegetable garden. It still depends on where you're buying and what type of buyer you're working with. Trust me, my husband could care less about a vegetable garden! But, I do love my peach and nectarine trees!

This one I totally agree agents, be aware! Electric cars. At some time we will have more and more of them. So? Well, homeowners are going to need someplace to plug them in, yes? Yes! And, they are going to be aware of energy consumption in the home they are looking to purchase. It's going to be important. If you can name a Solar Company that will get me some panels, that if the next buyer foolishly doesn't want them, they will take them away? I'm all over that!

This one I'm not quite sure it will target the masses. Collaborative Consumption. Making sure there is some way they can actually earn a bit of moolah off their homes. Whether it is by renting a room out or by establishing a home business of some sort. The home biz? Yes, get that. The renting of the room? Don't think most peeps are thinking about that when buying a home. 2 in the last 3 years of mine did. Just 2.

At any rate, I found it interesting. And, wanted to share with you and get your thoughts. 
Would love to get some comments on these future buyer desires!

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