Tuesday, February 5, 2019

What Do I Want To Blog About Today?

Sometimes the Real Estate news is fascinating....sometimes I feel like it's the same old thing.

Twice yesterday though I had someone ask me 'How's The Market'? So, that prompted my blog subject today.

The one is a prospective buyer, should we buy now? My answer? In complete and total honesty was that, even without a crystal ball, the market would correct in a couple of years. Not like a decade ago, but certainly a correction of sorts.

With that said, I reminded the buyer that the market would continue to have some annual appreciation with the likelihood of interest rates going up until that correction took place and then you'd pretty much be in the same dollars per month boat.

But, I did put the last statement to her as ...... you should plan on being in your home for the long run. Not a couple of years, but for a good long while.

The other was a client that I had shown homes to a couple years ago. They didn't pull the trigger and have since decided to move out of state. I said there was a reason we didn't buy a home then!

For him, I told him it was a bit quiet. Some periods are like that. Real Estate is always a rain when it pours situation. Well, not always, but a lot. So, I've just kept reaching out to my data base, letting them know I am here for any help they need.

I've been planning a Client Appreciation Party, been able to spend some time out of my office bowling for boobies (cancer), meeting new people watching the Bachelor (I know, right?), and, although it wasn't a success, had the time to have a chunky blanket party of my own!

There, that's how the market is. It's a regular Real Estate Roller Coaster market....like it has been for the last 17 years I've been helping people In & Out of homes.

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