Friday, December 15, 2017

Bitcoin in Real Estate?

So, my eldest son is all into the Bitcoin. He actually gave me some for my password he made up for me is so sweet! Husband and I watched an episode of Big Bang Theory last week that was talking about the dang stuff too!

In reading articles today I came across one that said that a brokerage in Texas did a full home purchase with the cryptocurrency! (my spell check program doesn't even know what that word is!)

At any rate, apparently another land purchase was done with Bitcoin as well. In Lake Tahoe for 1.6 million in Bitcoin in 2014. Yes, One Point Six Bitcoin.

Now, a rental management company is apparently adding payment options of Bitcoin for their tenants starting next year.

For those new to digital currency, Bitcoins are a long series of incredibly complex, military-grade encrypted alphanumeric characters that can be stored on a piece of paper, in a digital wallet or on an individual computer.
Bitcoin is subject to wild fluctuations in value as its value is based purely on supply and demand, unlike the dollar and other national currencies that have fiat value.
Currently, one bitcoin is valued at $17,742.10.
I am curious what some of you think of this stuff they call Bitcoin?
 Let alone if you own any Bitcoin yourselves?

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