Tuesday, October 24, 2017

'Orange' You Glad Paint & Pillows Are Cheap?

Okay, so I get it...there are 'new' colors all the time. Or, old colors that are re-used. An interior decorator told me once to buy somewhat plain furniture, not too crazy of floors either. Because....ya wanna know why? Because paint, pillows, throw rugs....all those can pop with color for a new statement and are relatively inexpensive to do. So, therefor easy/cheap to change again.

But, with that said......would you use Orange as a pop color??

Thankfully the side chair isn't orange!

Can those light fixtures be changed from Orange?

This I could do! But, I'd probably use Yellow!
(It's my favorite color and all!)

O....M.....G.....yeah/no....nuh uh.

I'm hoping the cabinet splashes are just painted Orange!

Again, if the cabinet could be repainted fairly easily, then the pop is cool!

Needless to say, PLEASE don't do this when we're getting ready to list your home for sale....Orange just is not for everyone! Is it??


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