Friday, February 5, 2016

What Do Football & Real Estate Have In Common?

Well, certainly not our attire!

But, read an article in Forbes today about what financially the return of a football stadium will do for the area!

The banks lending the money. The homes that will be adversely and positively affected. The commercial shopping. The open parks. Not to mention all the money to be made, employees to be hired, just to have one game played.

So, I'm happy that we have a football team coming back to Los Angeles area. I live here but my mom and kids live near there. So, my moms home will go up in value...but my kids will have a harder time purchasing a home now as well.

So, how does that work all the way out here in Santa Clarita Valley? Hmmmmm, we have less expensive homes for sale that are still considered L.A. County and that football team and venue will still be considered as accessible to us!

So, Rams have been brought back and it will certainly change some of the Real Estate market! 

We brought em back all right!

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