Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Last Week Scramble

It's the final week for one of my escrows. I warn clients that the last week is generally a bit chaotic.

Everyone involved is asking for final documents. I mean EVERYONE!!

Lender is asking for pay stubs. Underwriter is asking for FHA mandatory clause docs to be signed. Realtors are looking for final disclosures to finally get signed. Escrow needs sellers to sign off on closing statement. Buyers need to set up cash to close.

Not to mention buyers and sellers are doing final packing, setting up & turning off utilities, signing everything everyone is asking for. Turning in everything everyone is asking for.

The last week scramble to close escrow.

Even a 45-60 day escrow is a bit frenzied at the end. Those we hurry up in the beginning, sit and wait, then scramble at the end.

Everything works out to close escrow but I'm in the middle of one right now.....and yep, we are a scrambling!

Be prepared people! 

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