Friday, July 19, 2019

Loan Limits For VA Financing To be Lifted in 2020

Information will officially be released before January but this is a wonderful thing for active and retired military looking to purchase a home.

With VA lending there are a few stipulations, but 100% financing without mortgage insurance (aka PMI) is great!

Must be primary residence. Can't use it for investing. That'd be nice if we could....I'd so be using hubby's VA benefits!

But, the max guaranteed loan amount is currently $484,350. And, that's going to be changing next year.

Not necessarily saying you should wait my military pals, but definitely want to talk with your favorite Realtor and Lender before making any decisions.

You still have to qualify like in a traditional loan, and your Realtor (hint,, me) needs to know the purchase criteria for your protection, but this is a really good thing. IMHO.

Stay tuned for an upcoming seminar about your VA benefits
 that will include a special guest speaker!

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