Friday, May 31, 2019

You Bought New Construction, Now It's Time To Sell

A licensed Realtor is always allowed to help you when you purchase a new construction home. Sometimes, however, a buyer will use the sales associate hired by the builder to complete the purchase of that home. Is what it is, hopefully it went well.

So, 5-7 years later, you're ready to sell that home.....but, you don't know a Realtor because you didn't meet one when you purchased it that can advise you on the process to sell.

You likely have friends that can be a great resource for you when the time comes.

If you don't, read on.....what you need to think about when hiring a Realtor to sell your home.

1) How much does it cost to sell a home? It's generally based upon the sale price. Anticipate between 7 & 8 percent of the sale price to cover escrow, title, loan pay-offs, pro-rations of property taxes & HOA dues, realtor, and more. Want a real number? I provide that to my clients.

2) How do I determine how much my home is worth and what I should list it for? By now you've been peeking on Realtor websites that give you estimates on value. An experienced Realtor will be able to determine the value, then you decide which sales strategy works best for your personal situation. I have 3 different planned strategies.

3) What about marketing? First we need to discuss what you are willing to do to your home to get it ready for marketing. Then, my team comes in and takes care of the rest with photography, drone work, flyers, networking, and more.

4) Who handles the people that want to see your home? Me, always me. We work on a comfortable arrangement for you and your family. Ask me about why you need to make it as easy as possible for a buyer to see your home.

5) What if someone offers us too little? My job is to negotiate the best possible price for you. And, I do it well. My list to sale ratio is extremely high.....feel free to ask any agent what theirs is....and pleasantly ask for proof when they tell you. It's very easy to calculate.

6) What about all the paperwork we hear about? There is a lot, not going to kid you. Your Realtor should be guiding you through every step of it. If they are going to pass you off to an assistant to handle that....look for someone else. The first time you sell a home is a new experience, you need to understand exactly what you are doing.

7) What if we want to sell one home & move into another home at the same time? Ahhh, that's for another post....keep reading my blog, I'll touch on that soon. Suffice it to say, I love challenges, keeps my world exciting.

If you're thinking about selling your home, whether you bought as new construction or not...happy to come out and meet you at your home to discuss my strategies, fees, marketing plan and getting your home sold. All you have to do is ask.

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