Monday, March 19, 2018

Why The Darn 'Open House Is First Showing' Nonsense?

Well, it may feel like nonsense, or a game, or the agent wants to double-end the 'deal', but for me, it absolutely is not.

For me? There were two reasons to have my most recent listings' first showing situation be that way.

1) We have a big dog to take carpet too....oh, and the damn weather.

2) Because I knew it was going to get a lot of activity....I'd have less stress on my Sellers if they only had to leave for one, two, or three times vs. the 30 times for all the agents that brought their buyers on Sunday.

Now, mind you....I was exhausted from their crazy open house! But, a few hours of showing off my newest listing, setting up signs, printing out flyers? Worth it to me to keep a stressful time for my sellers a bit less stressful.

I'm not interested in double ending a transaction. I like a buyers agent to represent their clients, and me to represent mine. What's that phrase.....something about degrees of separation? Go Google it, funny stuff about Kevin Bacon!

He was so hot in Footloose!

At any rate, if me holding off agents til an open house makes it better for my Sellers? I'm doing it. I may annoy a buyer or an agent, two or three for that matter. But, my client is what's the most important.

Questions about how I market, sell, and protect my Sellers from the evil stress?
 Just ask!

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