Friday, November 20, 2015

What To Do With White Cabinet Kitchens

Well, I sell mostly re-sale and we're just getting a significant amount of new construction homes now, so I was a bit surprised to read that 49% of homeowners are choosing white cabinets in the kitchen.

I had an interior decorator tell me years, I mean really YEARS, ago that most set things should be fairly bland in color. Decorate around them so you can change style as frequently as you feel like it.

But, for now, with those white kitchens, what do you do to jazz them up? 4 ideas on Houzz this morning, 3 I am sharing and would love your thoughts!

One was to add a bookshelf. Meh, I didn't bother with a picture of that for you.

Another was Statement Tile

I supposed you don't have to go that colorful with the tile!

A different colored center island. Yep, a lot of us have seen that and I do really like it!

And, a mixture of materials. Wood, metal, cloth. All to add color and dimension.

I actually do have white cabinets in my kitchen. Kinda bored with them for sure. So, when we get around to painting the walls, I just may refinish our center island to match!

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