I try to keep you informed of all things Real Estate related. Was actually going to blog about the NAR Settlement again. Talked with Leslie for an hour and a half yesterday and that was a large part of the conversation. Seems so unfair to Buyers. So many are scraping to buy a home, particularly now, and this just hits hard.
At any rate, it's that time of the month to blog about home sales in boiling hot😡Santa Clarita Valley and it's surrounding neighborhoods. Acton to the East, Stevenson Ranch to the West, Castaic North, Newhall South.
As of right now we have:
15 in the Coming Soon grouping - exactly the same as last month.
571 Active - that's 20 more than last month.
In Escrow we have 301 - 30 less than last month.
Sold in the last 30 days? 266, actually 25 more than last month.
Interest rates have dropped down, thankfully, market time is definitely a bit longer. Insurance problems are hampering, but getting worked through.
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