Thursday, February 21, 2019

Forms, Forms, & More Forms...

I must say, probably the most important aspect a licensed Realtor can provide is the explanation of all the paperwork & forms involved in buying or selling your home.

Yes, we suggest the price, but Seller decides what they are comfortable starting and ending with.

Yes, we share the sales data, but Buyer decides what they are comfortable starting and ending with too.

Sure, an escrow officer can probably help you with some forms. Some forms. Maybe.

But, if you Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs Buyer/Seller had to read, understand, learn, and then explain to another party what all the forms mean, you'd probably pull your hair out and be at the closing table bald as a baby.

Let's many of you know what a COP form is? Oh lordy, and the many different ideas of how it's to be used. Part of a company round table discussion just a couple weeks ago!

And, what about the WCMD? The RR? The RCSD? That's just a few of many, many, many forms that should be utilized when you buy or sell a home in California. Depending on the circumstances during the sale of the property.

But, honestly, knowing what they mean is only a small part of it. You must know how and when to use them to protect a client. Realtors are responsible for protecting their clients from missing something. Getting something wrong. Doing everything right. Mistakes can be corrected, most of the time.

But, if you're about to buy or sell a'd be best if no mistakes were made. Am I right? Best if all the Real Estate legal requirements are adhered to.....because, listen in here.....that could be one big fat headache later if you haven't.

I pride myself and my transaction coordinator, my company, our office managers & support staff for knowing what forms, when, what they mean, how to explain, which ones go with what transactions.

Yup, I know these things. BUT, if I don't know for sure...I'm not gonna fake it....I'm gonna find out so that YOU are protected. On that you can bet your life savings.

Promise. Oh, hey, how about the NBP? .

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