Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Check Your Homeowners Insurance!

If you leave near me and are on that Nextdoor site, just skip this blog post.

But, if you're not.....holy house, keep reading!

Your home is likely your most valuable asset, right? You keep insurance on it, just like your car, to protect it from fire, etc.

You get your bill a couple times a year, maybe you have auto-pay set up, and you get solicitations from them now and again that you sometimes just.....well, this person did....toss in the trash without opening?

Eeeeeeck.........please take a moment right now....to verify that in fact, you still have insurance on your home.

I'm not going to say which company, but IMHO, they are the most difficult to deal with out here in Santa Clarita, a notice of cancellation was sent to this homeowner and he thought it was just more junk mail. Turns out they felt he was too close to the brush. We do have a lot of that in our fair valley.

I'm a bit OCD, very happy about it. I have a couple business auto-pays set up. My website host people, my lockbox thing, a couple more.

My household stuff....I look at each and every bill and pay them accordingly. I did miss one of the hubby's car payments once....whoops!

So, this is truly just a PSA, if you're 100% sure you paid your insurance bill, and all is good, no worries then. But, if you're only 99% sure, take a peek. Nothing could be worse than thinking you're insured and having a catastrophe that is not covered.

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