Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Picking Apart Offers

When a buyer writes an offer on one of my listings I diligently review, dissect, pick apart. Supposed to, right?

I verify that the current home they live in is up, or not up, for sale. Some try to slip that non-contingent status in when they really do have to sell their home.

I contact their lender that came with offer. Make sure they've actually looked at Tax Returns, W-2's, assets, FICO scores, etc. We're totally supposed to, yes?

One lender I speak with today....nice guy....totally on the ball....he confirms something I dreadfully already know....not enough Realtors actually even speak with the buyers lender who is supposed to be doing a loan to purchase their sellers property. I do, more often than I should, see notes that property is back on the market due to buyer could not qualify for loan.

At any rate, it's my job to protect my Sellers, get them the most amount of money, and make the transaction as smooth as possible. It's my job to Keep Their 'Witz' About Them, right?

So today I am dissecting 3 offers on one of my listings. Will be preparing a Sellers Multiple Counter Offer....most likely.....to send back to all of them.

But, each will be different. Each will be related to that original offer. If I'm skeptical of the lender, I'll ask for a cross-qualification. If they've written non-contingent, I may suggest a non-refundable deposit. Well, we're not supposed to do that, but...well, I just may.

At any rate....off I go to Pick Apart these bazillion pages which encompass several offers!

It doesn't really go with this post but it made me laugh!

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