Friday, December 24, 2010

New Construction Increase, Will It Help?

I was letting the hubby sleep in today, this Christmas Eve.....and so, of course, I was reading my favorite sites again.

The last couple of months there has been some quiet talk about new construction being on the increase. I just read another one this morning. It notes that there has been some slight up and down this year in new construction, but overall, up by just under 10%.

That, to me, is a good sign. If we have the huge monies being pumped into the housing to build new construction it helps all around, don't you agree?

Generates jobs, generates sales, generates new homes for people to buy. Moves money around in our economy. All is good.

And, it makes me think that there may be a closer end to this housing crisis than we have been thinking. Give it a couple more years, about how long it seems to take to really get a good push on new construction, and we just may be seeing a brighter home front.

Merry Christmas to all, in new and old homes. I'm looking forward to a wonderful 2011. A year when we can work towards a fresh start. And, move on from the financial catastrophe we have been suffering.

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