So, we've got these sellers...and both say that they want to sell? But every step of the way one of them digs their heels into the ground. The other frets and tries to pull the one's heels out of the ground....but they stay firmly planted.
Until that heel planted one gets what they want....presumably. Notice I did not say that I assume that is what is going on. Because that makes an ass out of you and me, right?
Behind on their mortgage, need to sell. You'd think the heel planter would want the remaining equity, right? You'd think......but here we are another week and nothing moving forward.
I work towards helping all types of clients to obtain their goals. Whether it is buying their dream home, or selling to get the remaining equity out of the home to re-locate to another area.
Sometimes, the goal doesn't seem to be the same for everyone. And, sometimes, we don't really know what their true goal is.
'Sometimes' today.....and the heels are still firmly planted.
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