Friday, April 9, 2021

Fancy Schmancy Dining Rooms?

Reading Houzz this morning and came across an article about Seriously Stylish dining rooms. And, I thought..."Do the regular Joe's really eat in their dining rooms these days?"

When I had kids, I made sure we always ate at the dining room table. Chat about our day with no distractions. It was a great way to enjoy family time. I think that's what they did in 'the olden' days as well.

With all the electronics capturing all our attention now, I wonder if people really do eat in their dining room. When showing homes, it's never been a gotta have feature.

This is the full Houzz article, by the way: Seriously Stylish!

This is the one that caught my eye!

Currently, the hubby & I have a tendency to eat in front of the TV on a great big coffee table that lifts up a client made for me! It's still a great time for us to relax, not look at our phones. BUT, we are watching American Idol or some other nonsense at the same time.

When we have guests, we hit the dining room table. But, dang, mine isn't quite so stylish as this one. AND, this set-up was one of the cozier of the bunch.

So, curious about you guys? Click on the Houzz article link, take a peek at those fancy schmancy dining rooms and let me know your thoughts.

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