Friday, November 13, 2020

An Email I Sure Didn't Want to Get

I've been working with a couple for a little bit now. We went to see something outside the box yesterday. We drove in separate cars. We wore masks and gloves the entire time we were in the home. I take my gloves & mask off inside out and leave any germs tucked inside those little buggers and throw away when I get home.

After that appointment, I went over to see another client. Sanitized my hands as I was getting out of my car. Put another mask on. They were wearing masks as well.

Later last night I received an email from the listing agent from the outside the box home I showed earlier in the day. This was from her seller.

"I want to let you know that I found out today that a person who I had contact with recently tested positive for Covid-19.   My last contact with that person was 37 hours ago.  That person was staying at my house for 6 days prior to leaving at 3:30am Wednesday morning."

So after a few, 'Oh crap' comments, I forwarded the email to the buyers that came in the house, called them as well to alert them. Called my office manager. And, then forwarded the email to the client I saw afterwards and called her as well. She's a nurse and works testing Covid all day long. I said a few more Oh Craps to her and she put me at ease. She reminded me that I did everything right, that I wasn't in direct contact with the Covid person (the house was vacant when we went in), and that per the CDC I would have had to be in direct contact with that person, less than 6ft away and/or have touched something that person touched in the last 15 minutes to be considered exposed.

So, the purpose of this post? To remind you to be vigilant. To follow the rules when viewing or showing homes. To be very careful with yourself and the people you are responsible for. I can't control everyone, but I can control the clients I work with & they are definitely following the rules.

This is going to be around for a while. Make sure the agent you're working with is following the guidelines for the safety of themselves, you, and your family.

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