Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Finding More Joy In Your Home

Since we've been at home more than normal for the last six months, we may be feeling a little down in the dumps. Feeling like your home is .....blah?

I actually truly love my home. I was walking around this morning like I always do, and every window I looked out of it brought me joy. Maybe I'm just lucky. Maybe I'm just weird?

But, Houzz email drip brought me this article:

10 Ways to Make Your Home Feel More Joyful

And, yes, one of the ideas was to paint a bright & cheerful color on a wall! Which definitely can do the trick. And, paint is soooo easy to change, so why not? 

Needless to say one of the ideas was to have a pet. Another was to create what felt like a vacation in one of your rooms. Maybe a hobby area, I have my dining room table set up as my watercolor art area....well, I leave it there but I do wish I had a separate studio for it!

At any rate, if you're feeling meh about your current home, you can either move, or take on one of these ideas and see if that helps with the blah's.

Enjoy the article, I sure did!

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