Friday, June 26, 2020

Yay! Another New Form.....That is Absurdly Unnecessary....IMHO.

Come on already!!! Yes, we have gotten a ton of new forms due to the Corona Virus Pandemic. Most have been revamped numerous times. And, we'll likely see them revamped a few more.

But, this newest one? You've got to be kidding me? Doesn't everyone know about ALL of these things before they go house hunting?

Common sense seems to be forgotten if we have to use this form, and my company is requiring it starting July 1st! Common sense for the buyers, the Realtors showing their buyers, agents hosting open houses....what's that the kids say? Cray-Cray!

The first paragraph is the most important one that every agent should regularly remind buyers about. Mostly because if you mention how much you love a home "and would pay anything to get it" & it's picked up on the Sellers security system because they forgot to tell us there was one.....all negotiations go out the window!

The rest? Common Sense People! LOLOLOL

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