Friday, May 3, 2019

For My Peeps & American Cancer Society; Relay For Life SCV

I made a goal for 2019. I've shared the possibility with everyone I know. There are two special non-profit organizations that I want to help even more this year than the last few. You may tell me your own though, not just these two are 'eligible' for my donation gift.

One gal is so special to my heart. Well, actually her whole family is. She and her husband have one child...a blessing. Now, another is on the way. Truly never knew for sure if children would be in their future.

She is a cancer survivor. The most animated, positive, loving person I think I've honestly ever met. Notice animated was the first adjective! She is an absolute delight. She is definitely one helluva survivor.

I helped her buy two homes in the past. I just helped her sell one to a dear friend. And, we opened escrow on the other home with an all cash buyer this week.

Needless to say, we're heading out tomorrow to start house hunting for a replacement home for their growing family.

Purpose of this post though? Today, I donated $243.00 to the American Cancer Society, SCV Relay For Life. Why? Because that's a commitment I made & she was the first to be part of that commitment.

If you are thinking about Selling or Buying a home with me, just ask about this program, why I do it, and let me know what's important to you.

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