Friday, August 31, 2018

Tired of Accent Walls for Decorating The Wall Behind Your Headboard?

We have a wall of about 30 different small mirrors behind/above our bed. All shapes & sizes. Purchased from a ton of different places. Yes, all are Earthquake stuck to the wall for our safety. I know, not the best, but it does look pretty!

At any rate, Houzz posted some pretties that I wanted to share with you. Lots do a large piece of art above their bed. Some may have a cabinet/shelf type system. Others paint that as their accent wall.

Well heck, lookie here:

Not supposed to have your bed under a window either,
 but I do like the warmth of this one.

I supposed instead of keeping a note pad on your nightstand
 this would work for those midnight thoughts keeping you awake!

I've been called a hippie, or lover of the bohemian style...but, nope, 
I do not like whatever is going on here......

And, Ta-Da, instead of painting an accent wall....a wild wallpaper instead?
So many options!

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