Friday, February 16, 2018

Homes for Retirement Investments

Great article in one of my drip feeds this morning. It confirmed what I already know. Having money invested in property for my retirement is better than sitting in the bank, or other straight money investments. IMHO and many others apparently.

I'm the penny-pincher in the family. Husband thinks he isn't the spender, but he is. I'm the one that deals with our financing and is constantly reminding him it's cheaper to eat at home or slice the cheese ourselves than buy pre-sliced packages that are more convenient.

Convenience sure does cost more.

Anywhohow, back on the retirement thoughts. I'm still at least a decade away from that, likely more since I do love what I do, but I am financially planning for our retirement.

And for us, it's all about being mortgage free on 2 properties. So, those dimes I save on slicing my own cheese go to pay those banks off.

The article had lots of info about what generations and what percentages, but it boiled down to that a lot of people think just like me.

One point that I was not surprised to read was about renters with home buying concerns. 28% of them were worried about the home loan process. They are spending too much time googling bad crap about prior lenders. Get in bed with a good'll be fine. And, quite honestly.....if you're too afraid to jump into the mortgage'll never have your own home to grow that retirement nest egg!

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