Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Buyers Are Out There Looking

I've got several buyers right now. All looking for the perfect home. All reasonable in their home search. Alllllllll ready to buy.

I look back year over year, particularly the last few, and I am reminded that January/February are always like this. I've got buyers but not enough sellers.

Buyers troll the internet, I troll the MLS, bother my associates for upcoming listings, some even check sites for the 'coming soon' that are posted, and I call the agent noted. Had some success with this one last weekend....well sorta.....property was yucky!

Some even troll the streets, well actually a lot do, to see signs up that aren't on the internet anywhere....and I call the agent to see how fast we can get in.

So, instead of all this buyer action trolling for homes, how about a few of my seller readers jump the Spring gun and lets get you on the market....now!

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