Friday, September 2, 2016

Sometimes A 'Tiny' House is Not 400 Square Feet!

To each his own on what really is a tiny house or not. To some it would be anything under 2000 sq feet. To others it's less than 700.

For whatever you consider a teeny-weeny house....consider some of the options for getting the most space out of that little house of yours.....thank you Houzz for giving me this blog post idea!

Stairs that almost look like they go nowhere!

At least they create extra space above. 
This seems to be the common reason for the stairs in a smaller house.
I like these stairs better as you can use them for storage too!

I think the big window is super. So, you can get a 'spacial' feeling. 
But, you give up wall/furniture space doing this!

Now, that's some tiny space!
Notice the ladder on the left vs. stairs in other ones.

Designing the space for a tiny house must be extremely challenging. I think I'd want to live in it for a bit and change as I go along....nothing worse than putting stairs in the wrong place and regretting it later. Let alone that big window & not being able to put your TV where you want it! 

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