Friday, June 10, 2016

Best Selling Season?

Everyone says it's the Spring time right? Well, for most, yes, it surely is. However, if a large part of your community is not full with families of school age children....probably not as Spring fever-ish then.

But, if you are in a snow driven community...oh yes, Spring is best. In a year-round constant climate with more retirees coming and going, Spring isn't really going to matter. Well, not as much.

Not going to kid you, February til about August is our best season. Heck though, that's a solid 6 months. Me, I'm busy year round. Buyers and Sellers, Sellers and Buyers....year round.

Point of this blog subject? When you decide you are ready to buy or sell, speak with your trusted Realtor. One that knows the season that may be best for you. However, even after you do that, your personal reasons for a home purchase or sale may not coincide with the traditional seasons.

Keep in mind that once the 'hot' selling season is typically over, homes still sell. Serious buyers are out no matter what time of year. Less competition for sellers listing when it's in the fall or winter months too.

Food for thought.....tasty little morsels to chew on.....

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