Friday, May 6, 2016

Will Large Homes Be Going Out of Style?

Met with a seller recently that is downsizing now vs. a few years from now. There is retirement to consider, home prices now vs. later here and there.

They have thought it through very carefully & then hired me to help them with the sale of their home.

We talked a lot about the market, current, past, anticipated.

The one thing, admittedly, I had not thought of was the infamous Millenials and the size of homes they were likely going to be interested in when their time to buy finally hits.  My seller brought a good point up. Based upon their needs, their desires for quick, speedy, etc.....would a large home be something they will be interested in? Will they want to have to take care of a large yard, extra bedrooms, let alone a formal living room that hardly ever gets used?

Or are they going to be interested in just enough space?

With no wasted areas, no huge yards?

I'm not sure. I'd love a Millennial to tell us their thoughts though!

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