I meet with sellers regularly, obviously. When first meeting we discuss price, how the listing and sale process works....and of course...prepping their home for sale.
Some clients it's a huge list of what to do. Some, it's de-cluttering. Some.....and those are nice, they are ready when I walk in the door! I usually wink at them and ask 'Did you do this for me?'!!
All of them, when suggesting any pre-marketing needs, I tell them 'You have to pack it anyways!'
And that, yes that, they always understand!
A home definitely shows better when there is less clutter. Small rooms show bigger. Show cleaner. They just show nicer.
The hardest part is when a lot of the items I suggest get cleared out they use on a daily basis. Then I remind them that there are definitely items NOT used on a daily basis that can be packed away and those daily items can then be stashed away during photography shoot and buyer viewings.
All makes more sense. But still, the biggest thing I remind people is that a lot of items they have in their home can be packed neatly in boxes. This will create a lot less stress when we open escrow and they are panicking about having time to pack and move. With my previous suggestion, they are partially packed already.
Win-Win situation!
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