Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Be Courteous To Your Fellow Realtors

When working with other agents, it's best to be courteous at all times. Me to them, them to me.

A transaction to purchase or sell a home always goes smoother if we do our job. Always more likely to want to work with that other agent again if they do a good job.....and are courteous in the treatment of my clients and I.

It is unfortunate that when the other agent wants what they want, they are very courteous. However, true colors come out when that very same agent does not give the courtesy of a reply when they no longer 'need' my client.

I have a tendency to write blog posts about what's happening with a current client. Today, it is so.

Adorable clients I'm working with. Love them to pieces. Like children to me, adult children of course!

We've got a challenging situation. Price point is competitive, to say the least. We've written several offers so far. Not even gotten close to an acceptance. Totally putting the absolute best foot forward we can.

So, one house, there is ours and only one other offer. Agent confirms receipt very quickly. Answers his phone, well used to, when I called regarding the property.

Stated that offers were being presented last night. Messaged the agent this morning to see when my buyers should expect a response. Zero, zilch, nada reply. Well, maybe he's with clients. Maybe?

So, here comes Social Media. One of my buyers peeks on good old Facebook and sees a picture of the agents for sale sign in the yard of the house we wrote an offer on......with a SOLD sign on it. And, this post was put up last night.

But, here we sit, still no response from the listing agent.
 I hope someday he brings a buyer to one of my listings. 

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