Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Those Who Lost Their Homes Back In The Day

Are they back? Are they coming back?

Yes, they are. Not all, but they're coming! I'm working with 2 right now that lost their home in the housing crisis. I've got another in the wings that is working on getting back soon.

The ones that are back are the ones that have been digging themselves out of their financial distress. Families that have been preparing to get back into a home of their own.

There were many reasons why people lost their homes. Foreclosure, Short-Sale, loss in value, loss of job, family change, mortgage adjustments.

Enough have been working their way back.

Why do I bring it to your attention? Well, the more that make their way back, the more that will be competing for homes. We all should know what that means by now.

Really just a reminder. More buyers, we need more homes, we have great interest rates. You can't not love a healthy housing market.

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