Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Bit Of Info On Foreclosure Activity

A couple of items to note. Via several different information sites. California was among the top 5 states to recently close on foreclosures. Meaning, the notice of defaults & notice of trustee sales were culminated in a full foreclosure. Okay, so we're still clearing out some old notices.

However, the newbies, the ones that are just coming down the pipe. New notices of defaults and notices of trustee sales are mostly in the Eastern states. Oregon on the west, but the rest on the East.

Still a ways to go, yes indeed. 
California is coming out of the poop pile finally it would seem.

(funny picture, isn't it?)

I only bring this quickie to your attention to satisfy your need to know. 
Any questions about So. Cal Real Estate, just ask!

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