Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Phew, Lots of Financial Changes Planned for 2014

FHA loan limits are dropping down. Fannie and Freddie are going to be charging more in fees. A new regulation, The Qualified Mortgage, comes along next year. The tapering of buying mortgages will likely happen in 2014 too.

Okay, so what does that all mean to you?

Quite obviously, it's going to be harder to buy a home in 2014 than it was in 2013. Not that it hasn't been hard to buy a home for the last few years though, right?!?!?

I'm such a glass half full Realtor! And, a glass half full woman. We can cry and moan about what it's going to cost, how much harder it's going to be, but many still will be able to buy a home won't they?

Maybe not the exact one you were hoping for. Maybe you'll have to spend a little less. Maybe it will cost you a bit more. But, with rentals still being pretty outrageous, home ownership is the way to go.

Okay, I'm done. Enjoy your day!

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