Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Are We Recovering? Not Quite Yet ~ But I Read The Signs!

Two articles read this afternoon state that jobless rates are improving, mortgage delinquencies are reducing, and that although we may not be in a recovery, not yet, that we are certainly ending the 'recession'.

I've been working on keeping my glass 1/2 full, rather than 1/2 empty for the last few years. These economic woes have affected everyone. And, my clients and family have been more positive than negative for certain. You'd almost have to be, right? At least make a valiant effort!

"California may finally have turned the corner into recovery, with the job market slated for slow but steady growth over the next two years, according to a report released today by UCLA's Anderson Forecast."

"Mortgage delinquency rates — the ratio of borrowers 60 or more days behind on their payments — will likely tick up to about 6 percent through the first three months of 2012, TransUnion said in its annual delinquency forecast issued Wednesday.~ But by the end of next year, it could drop to 5 percent, TransUnion said. That's well off the peak of 6.89 percent seen in the fourth quarter of 2009."

These are good notes from the two reads of today. Baby steps. Considering houses are still selling, many people still have jobs, and goodness, our health? Consider, it could be a lot worse....and we aren't standing in bread lines.

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