Sunday, February 20, 2011

Refresher Course! In case you forgot......

Funny, when we meet with sellers that tell us about how expensive the carpet was 10 years ago. Or the green granite that goes so well with the green sink in the kitchen. Or the silver-nickel sinks they put in the bathrooms.

Some things are hard to tell sellers....that although they may appear beautiful to you.....the buyer for your home will make changes.

So, sellers, keep in mind that you do things for your house to make it a wonderful home for you and your family. And, while the ultra-expensive purple drapes that went fantastic with your couches made your living room look spectacular....the buyer may want to decorate in red and turquoise.

Get the picture?

Yahoo had a 'Refresher Course' article this morning:

Some things in Real Estate never change. Many things sellers do don't add value in the buyers eyes. And, when trying to get the best possible price for your home, it's the buyers eyes that count.

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