Sunday, January 30, 2011

Reading, Reading, Reading

I'm up super early on a cloudy Sunday morning. It's quiet in the house, I'm reading articles, latest news. Most Real Estate related, some silly entertainment news, and some about what to eat for longer life. You know, news we are all reading now.

I did spend some time reading a couple of associates recent blogs. And, mine are based a lot on my opinion due to my experience, but still information is extracted from the news. What I read this morning was good and confirmed that most Realtors in my area are on the same so

Interest rates may be creeping up? Good, I say? Hmmmm.....well, helps to make fence-sitting buyers get off the fence. Shadow Inventory gap widening? Good? Well, at least some of the NOD/NTS' are getting further along.

I have to find the positive in our market. Have to. Negativity doesn't make things happen.

So, I'm happy to see some more REO's pop on the market, I'm aok with interest rates still amazingly low, albeit rising. More SS? Well, at least they are moving along and closing some before they go back to the bank and make that REO gap widen even more.

There is a cup half empty, or a cup half full. I'm happy to be keeping mine at the very least, half full!

1 comment:

Wendy Mason said...

Nice posting. I always start the day with my glass half full too...and pray nobody drains it by noon! lol It's tough out there for everyone and all we can do is keeping moving forward doing what we do best. We have stayed in this business to help buyers and sellers come together, and no matter how tough the market is, that is still our job. So here's a FULL glass for you...and me...and the rest of us who continue to strive for being the best we can be.