Monday, November 8, 2010

Ain't That The Truth?

Reading articles this morning. I got up extra early so I could spend some catch-up time today reading and perusing my favorite housing sites.

L.A.Times was the same old, same old. Housing Wire too. Didn't get to yet, but found an article in our Inman news that confirmed what we all know about the stats of recent home purchases in relationship to first time buyers. You can read the entire article below, if you want:

Any licensed Realtor that's been actually working these last couple years knows that. And, a lot of us are thrilled that these buyers are able to afford to purchase a home now.

A few years ago, it would have been impossible. Prices were too high for the first time buyers' income bracket.

As much as this market is still in such turmoil, still such a trial to help people get in and out of homes, ain't it the truth that this is such a bright spot during these dark Real Estate times?

Look for something good, try to find the positive. Do that smile therapy and remember that first time buyers sure did need this break!

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