Friday, January 27, 2023

Faster Is NOT Always Better

Better.Com is trying to make you think so! It's a mortgage company that's been around for almost a decade. It's had some scandal. Fired 900 employees during covid on a Zoom call, more lay-offs, and financial woes have certainly come along with the need for speed.

My 3 favorite lenders can provide a preapproval within a few days, for sure. They can give one that has many conditions quicker than that. But, to get a pre-approval that likely won't all apart, 12 hours, which Better.Com says they can do a loan commitment in, is just to fast to be right.

Speed Doesn't Always Mean Best

Some things just need to be researched. Some things buyers forget about and they pop up later. A mortgage broker/lender must be somewhat of a detective. Determine what the buyer truly is capable of, what they are comfortable with, and which loan program works the best for them at the time they want to buy a home.

This 'lender' proves that speed certainly doesn't mean best as they are losing their shirt with the plan of action they started with.

Yes, you needed to know ASAP if you could write an offer on a house in the last couple of years. BUT, the right way to gear yourself up for a home purchase is, and always has been, to talk to a Realtor (ME) first, then talk to a Lender (I have MANY) ...... several weeks before you want to start your home search.

Do it right, don't do it fast. Do it best, don't do it for speed. If you're looking for something to happen too fast, be prepared for disappointment near the end of escrow when your lender says 'whoops' because he or she missed something in the ridiculous 12 hours they took to do the research.

Off my soapbox now..... 

Well, at least til next week! 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Santa Clarita Sales Activity January 2023

While reading everything real estate related, I am intrigued with the many different opinions. So, this will add to the pile of opinions.

The real estate market is going to be slow, that's all there is to it. Prices, or Interest Rates, will have to come down to entice buyers in. 

There will always be buyers and sellers, but now it will be few and far between. New agents will disappear, buyers will hold off, sellers will languish.

Call Leslie or myself for further discussion at any time. Our phone numbers are at the bottom of this post.

I wanted to give you an idea of the last few years, when we were in January, of the Santa Clarita housing activity. Here you go, in this order:

Coming Soon/Active/In Escrow/Sold in Prior 30 Day Period

2019 - Unk/650/354/171 

2020 - Unk/325/392/182

2021 - 24/174/464/334

2022 - 18/167/310/284

And, for now, January 2023:

Which category do you think is the most telling for how the market is?

Lauren (661) 313-5470 / Leslie (661) 312-3669

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Time To Ditch These Trends!

Okay now, this article I am sharing bits from was hilarious!

As a 20 year veteran Realtor, I've seen quite a few styles come in. And, many go back out again...thankfully.

I called it on granite years before it started to fade out. I've been reading barn doors should be gone already. Those "I Love Us" signs? Oh goodness, those are gone, gone, gone!

But, here are the top 10 that apparently consumers finally admitted to be tiring of at the end of 2022. So, expect to find some good discounts on these items at TJ Maxx, Ross, etc. if you are determined to still use some of these trends in your home.

10 ~ Classic Farmhouse &, yes, those signs! Sad to say, I DO have a few items that would fall into these trends to ditch.

9 ~ Vessel Bowl Sinks - never been a fan but I sure have seen a lot of them!

8 ~ Matching Furniture Sets. Ugh. Change it up already.
7 ~ Cowhide prints - yeah, gotta go!
6 ~ Rainfall Showerheads - I have never liked these. I like me a hot beating on my back shower!

5 ~ Venetian Plaster Walls. Only sold one house with this stuff. Million Dollar Listing LA has had quite a few!
4 ~ Wall Murals/Wallpaper Murals. So individualized, gotta repaint when you sell your home.
3 ~ Tile Countertops - yeah, we know those were a gonner already!
2 ~ The Greenery Jungle - I've got some pops of green, but have avoided the jungle look.

1 ~ Making the top of the list? I didn't even know it had a name coined. The "Cloffice" Pandemic is over people, put that closet back to it's original use already!

Which of these do you have?
Which are you going to ditch?
Which are you going to keep?
Do Tell!

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Long Haul & The Long Wave

Real Estate has always been an asset to be kept for the long haul. Always. The money to be made can periodically be incredible, but, for the most part, it's about keeping a roof over your head without paying someone else's mortgage.

I haven't written a blog in a bit, but honestly, I've missed it, so here you are!

I've been at it for over 2 decades, got a great partner at the beginning of 2022, and am working to help people navigate through 2023. 

We all know that the last couple of years have been a wild, dirty, crazy ride for anyone looking to buy and sell real estate. But, heck, what the devil is going to happen in 2023?

It's not going to be wild and crazy. It's going to be slow and, probably not so steady. But, I don't think it'll be the dirty mess we had during the pandemic. Notice I said 'think'. Because, no one can predict exactly what will happen.

The last few months of '22 slowed tremendously as interest rates skyrocketed. Don't bother to mention to the kids what interest rate we paid for our first home. They won't get it. And, it's really not the same anyways.

For now, the harsh reality is that we have low inventory and seemingly high interest rates. I'm seeing lenders with one loan instead of 12 in their pipeline. Seeing money being tossed at buyers from lenders and sellers alike to entice them to buy a home.

I'm seeing homes sell too. BUT, it's over, the madness is over. 

So, how do you move forward? The same way you've handled it always. If you need to sell, you sell. If you want to buy, you buy. Just know, it won't be easy for either party. Gone are the days of the quick sale. Gone are the days of 2.75% interest rates.

It's time to just deal with what you've got. Get yourself a great agent, make a plan, do what they say, and roll with the wave. Because, this wave is likely gonna be a long ride.