Yeah,'ve seen the long list of things a Realtor does. And, trust me, my list is very long. Some times I feel like I'm on auto-pilot since I've been doing it for 19+ years. But, the bumps & hurdles in the road to close escrow help to keep my on my toes.
My hubby and I have been looking at retirement property recently. Hard to have my Realtor hat off while someone else 'plays' Realtor for us. REALLY hard. And, as our agent will tell you, it's hard on him as well. LOL
But, things we've discussed make me wonder if every agent does a few things that I always do. Or, they just take the listing, get the sign posted, put it in the MLS, and wing it?!?!?
1) I, 99.9% of the time, meet my photographer at the my listings for a shoot. Only times I haven't met him was when he had to go back for twilight shots. I want to make sure he's getting the image I have in my head for the best presentation on one of my listings. I'm the one that works with buyers, so I'm the one that needs to show him what those buyers will want to see at one of my listings.
I have come to find out that not all agents do that. Really?
2) I, 99.9% of the time, meet the Appraiser at the property. I think once I couldn't be there....but I made sure he had the full contract (if he needed it) AND, that the list of upgrades I always hand over were waiting in an envelope just for him.
I have come to find out that not all agents do that either. Really?
3) 100% of the time I am at the buyers home inspection when I'm working with buyers. I want to see what the inspector is finding, I do my own agent inspection, and if buyers want to be there...well, damn, I definitely think their agent should be there as well.
I have come to find out that not all agents do that too. Sheesh. Really?
Part of this came from my conversations with the retirement house Realtor. But, a lot came from the appraiser I just met today...and, yes, I totally had my list of upgrades ready for him!
AnyWhoHow, I was pretty surprised. And, thought it'd make for a good blog post!
Questions about Real Estate? Just Holler! / (661) 313-5470